The City of West Torrens Council is planning a significant redevelopment of Henley Beach Road, including a new tram line, a multicultural dining precinct, a piazza, and more housing. The hope is to turn historic Henley Beach Road into a thriving and more accessible place that will help bring fresh life into West Torrens.

Planners expect the new, livelier Henley Beach Road to strengthen the city’s economy by bringing in more tourists. Mayor Michael Coxon explains that by investing in residential and commercial development, the city council plans to transform Henley Beach Road into a “central point where people will be able to meet, shop, eat, do business, and live.”

Henley Beach Road, Past and Present

Henley Beach Road has long been central in the West Torrens community. In the late 1800s, this route connected the coast and the CBD. The mayor and city council have stressed that preserving the road’s historic charm and unique character will remain a priority and that measures will be in place to ensure that its historicity and heritage remain intact. Preliminary feedback from local community and business leaders indicates a widespread approach for the project.

The city council has wanted to direct its attention to the road for some time but has previously been preoccupied with other projects. With the confirmed planning for 2.2km northern tunnels from Grange Road to James Congdon Drive, there is more opportunity to shift the council’s time and focus toward making Henley Beach Road more attractive and vital. The council hopes to add more green spaces and increase the safety and accessibility of the streetscape.

Community Placemaking

The Henley Beach Road project is not just about modernizing; it’s also intended to deepen the local sense of community by celebrating West Torrens’s cultural diversity and unique history. The project will integrate public art and local, multicultural storytelling into the design. The intent is to showcase and honor the varied subcultures that have shaped the community along Henley Beach Road, including the local history of the Kaurna people and others in the broader area.

The nearby revamp underway for Thebarton Theatre, nicknamed “Thebby,” might offer clues to the approach the city council plans to bring to the Henley Beach Road redevelopment. The $8 million revamp of this music and performing arts complex aims to respect its history while adding modern amenities.

Improving Public Transportation

The redevelopment plan also includes improving public transport along the historic street. The council hasn’t yet released many details, but it has clarified that it intends to add tram lines to connect Henley Beach Road more efficiently to the Adelaide Airport, local schools, the CBD, and Thebarton Theatre.

A Collaborative Planning Approach

The city has actively involved local property owners and business leaders throughout the planning process, seeking their feedback on how people currently use the street and where the need for improvements is most urgent. The solicitation of community input early and often while shaping the plan has likely contributed to the positivity of the feedback these efforts have received.

Mayor Michael Coxon recalls, “When we first engaged with them, we were heartened at the enthusiasm and passion that they have in wanting to see change along Henley Beach Road.” He adds, “This is a very complex project which will be undertaken in stages and phases. To ensure we get it right, and that the revitalisation is what our community expects, we will undertake pilot projects and investigations that our community will be able to provide feedback on.” 

The West Torrens Council’s dream of redeveloping Henley Beach Road into an accessible, culturally inclusive, and dynamic community space is catching the imagination of many community leaders. While many details have yet to be decided, the community continues to watch—and provide input for—this attempt to simultaneously modernize and celebrate the street’s long and multicultural history.